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AtomID in Pharmaceuticals The protection of health is one of the main applications of this technology. This is achieved by applying unique and invulnerable codes to packaging. Once products are segregated in this manner, it is not possible to introduce counterfeits in the sales and distribution channels, as consumers will have the opportunity to check the product’s authenticity by running the packaging through a reader at the retail store.
AtomID in Telecommunications Among the long list of industries where there is a strong need for security is that of Telecommunications. Here is where AtomID can provide absolute security by certifying the identity of the sender and of the receiver in the transmission of data between them through the Internet or of coded voice through telephone lines. This is made possible by embedding cards with AtomID codes inside computers, telephones, tablets and even modems or any other device in charge of decoding information which makes hacking impossible without the unique and invulnerable cards. AtomID to protect electronic devices Beyond the mere protection of data transmission, AtomID can be used to protect the devices themselves such as cell phones, computers, tablets, etc. from theft. As an example, let’s examine the case of cell phones: we have recently seen the hacking of the biometrical technology embedded in Apple’s iPhone 5S for blocking access to the phone by the hacker group calling themselves “CCC”, who were able to break it in a matter of minutes. This then allows them to have access to all the personal information stored in the device such as telephone numbers, photos, e-mails, etc. With AtomID this is impossible, as the device can be protected by embedding a card reader within the device and a mini AtomID card. If the telephone is lost or stolen, one only needs to make a call to it from another phone to send a sequence of codes that renders the AtomID card inoperative. This is a process that is not reversible. If the phone is then recovered, the user contacts the phone service provider or the manufacturer who then provides a new card to re-activate the phone. As the AtomID card is impossible to copy due to the nature and architecture of the Datablocks, it is not possible to re-activate the phone unless the service provider provides a new, valid card.

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