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Welcome to Promotron's Official Website: By the Inventor

Through these pages you will find information on the Technology AtomID, which was developed as an independent project. When the first results of our work became public six years ago, we still had to confidentially and jealously guard the technological secrets involved in this invention which the local media and scientific community called revolutionary. That’s why we decided against implementing even the most basic advertising such as a Website. Now, six years later, we’ve got excellent news to spread, the same which prompted the creation of this Site: The Patent Offices of USA, the European Union, Argentina and Mexico have granted Patents to the technology behind AtomID. With the protection status conferred by these patents, we are ready to introduce this technology to the world. What makes this new technology so especial? Simply, AtomID allows the embedding of Digital Data onto any Card or Document. This data is impossible to clone (copy) or hack (breach). This makes AtomID the only 100% safe technology for storing unique IDs and hence to protect identities. It may also be applied to the protection of products which are nowadays subject to counterfeit and theft, as it is the case with pharmaceuticals, avoiding their cloning and thus the serious impact this theft causes on the population’s health. This technology may also be applied to Credit Cards and Telecommunications (Data Transmission), preventing invasion of privacy in Internet communications and in Telephony. As you can see, there are many and varied advantages that may be obtained from this new technological advance. Therefore, we invite you to navigate our site, wherein you’ll find information regarding the technological aspects of AtomID in a clear and easy to understand format. You will also be able to learn about the rich and parallel story that, inevitably, lies behind an invention of this kind, which, because of its nature, embodies a substantial achievement in ID protection. We don’t want to end these preliminary words without prior acknowledgement to all those who have contributed to the creation of the AtomID Technology, a technology that has been granted eleven Patents (two in the USA, six in the European Union, two in Argentina and one in Mexico).

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